heyy hoo... ahahha lagi mumpung mood blogging hinggap nih.. :D
mo ngiklan dulu... since lately si dynamic duo (sindu n wawan) itu bener2 berhasil meracuni ku with all those photography thing and menjerumuskanku ke dalam suatu perkumpulan aliran sesat yang ternyata crazy fun n cocok buat ngasah otak kanan, jadilah gwe orang ktiga di antara mereka heheheh XD.
so here we are.. tospringe ^^ iyehh.... tospringe... one of merlin's fave spells :D ahahaha, gwe juga g tau knp tuh bocah jadi stuju2 aja sama nih mantra, enak dimulut kali yah, though bukan tospring bacanya, tapi.... tosprienjh ahahahah,, merlin yang ngomong sih seksih heheh :D
ya yaa.... anyway, this photoblog may be the firstt step to the larger thing ahahah amiinn... ^^ ga niat2 banget komersil kok, but yaaa i think a good art needs price hehehe :D becanda denk... it's just the place we would like to share our work... we're especially me, learning though.... ^^
who does not love beauty, eh? heheheh =)
so check our photoblog http://tospringe.blogspot.com.
so here they are... introducing tospringe :
Sindu - the master of all
let's say him the founder... ahahah pencetus idea n tukang racun =)) anyway, he's great in photography, literally...cakcek... gwe sendiri ga nyangka if he's that seriously talented n having a great taste in art.. dengan ring mata yang keknya ga wide2 banget... but he could create the most unbelievable beyond belief fabolous picture (lebaaaaiiiii =)) ). what else could i say.. he's the master.. thx for the sweet poisonous disease :D
Ketut (nama kerennya ^^v) the tall generous techie boy
And he is the co-pilot, the techie boy.... nice taste of photography... though... kudu dipuji2 dulu, dipaksa2 n didorong2 to make a nice great photo, yang sebenernya he could make it in some sort of brief time easily. Kalu dia n si master dah discuss all about the gear things, gw cuman diem... ga ngerrtttiiii.... >_< tp hehehe :P untung di gwe,, jadi kliatan profesional juga by cuman ngangguk2 padahal ga ngerti heheh :D well... that is wawan... or ketut... or blibil ahahah :D oh satu lagi... he is so generous... penyuntik dana tospringe =)) ^^v
And Meee... the elly ahahahahah ^^
I am me... yaaa si newbie lucu ini jadi orang ketiga di antara mereka ^^. i personally don't know why they hire me, ^^ just kinda feel lucky to be in a home with those dynamic duo, banyak belajarnya... thx ya gays.. =)). though kadang2 kudu sering2 berlatih tahan akan cacian, hinaan dan makian grakgrakgrakgrak ^^v. boong denk... all is crazy fun to me.. ^^
hehehehe :D sekian perkenalan n iklannya... but yang tertarik mo difoto ma kita, event apapun.. perwed, pas wed, n post wed ahaah :D sumpahh jangan sungkan hubungin kitah grakgrakgrka =)). maen2 ke photoblog kita yaa.... baru dikit sih portopoliona, soon we'll update it ^^.
ini sebenernya knp majang tuh foto2... ahahahah :D mo mamer hasil jalan2 kmaren grkagrakgrak sekalian liput kawinannya mba tiar n mas gusman hehehe :D. n semua foto profile tospringers itu hasil jepretannya me and si jambul boy. thanks yaa ^^
mo ngiklan dulu... since lately si dynamic duo (sindu n wawan) itu bener2 berhasil meracuni ku with all those photography thing and menjerumuskanku ke dalam suatu perkumpulan aliran sesat yang ternyata crazy fun n cocok buat ngasah otak kanan, jadilah gwe orang ktiga di antara mereka heheheh XD.
so here we are.. tospringe ^^ iyehh.... tospringe... one of merlin's fave spells :D ahahaha, gwe juga g tau knp tuh bocah jadi stuju2 aja sama nih mantra, enak dimulut kali yah, though bukan tospring bacanya, tapi.... tosprienjh ahahahah,, merlin yang ngomong sih seksih heheh :D
ya yaa.... anyway, this photoblog may be the firstt step to the larger thing ahahah amiinn... ^^ ga niat2 banget komersil kok, but yaaa i think a good art needs price hehehe :D becanda denk... it's just the place we would like to share our work... we're especially me, learning though.... ^^
who does not love beauty, eh? heheheh =)
so check our photoblog http://tospringe.blogspot.com.
penampakan tospringe |
so here they are... introducing tospringe :
Sindu - the master of all
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Sipit |
let's say him the founder... ahahah pencetus idea n tukang racun =)) anyway, he's great in photography, literally...cakcek... gwe sendiri ga nyangka if he's that seriously talented n having a great taste in art.. dengan ring mata yang keknya ga wide2 banget... but he could create the most unbelievable beyond belief fabolous picture (lebaaaaiiiii =)) ). what else could i say.. he's the master.. thx for the sweet poisonous disease :D
Ketut (nama kerennya ^^v) the tall generous techie boy
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kumis |
And he is the co-pilot, the techie boy.... nice taste of photography... though... kudu dipuji2 dulu, dipaksa2 n didorong2 to make a nice great photo, yang sebenernya he could make it in some sort of brief time easily. Kalu dia n si master dah discuss all about the gear things, gw cuman diem... ga ngerrtttiiii.... >_< tp hehehe :P untung di gwe,, jadi kliatan profesional juga by cuman ngangguk2 padahal ga ngerti heheh :D well... that is wawan... or ketut... or blibil ahahah :D oh satu lagi... he is so generous... penyuntik dana tospringe =)) ^^v
And Meee... the elly ahahahahah ^^
me ;) |
I am me... yaaa si newbie lucu ini jadi orang ketiga di antara mereka ^^. i personally don't know why they hire me, ^^ just kinda feel lucky to be in a home with those dynamic duo, banyak belajarnya... thx ya gays.. =)). though kadang2 kudu sering2 berlatih tahan akan cacian, hinaan dan makian grakgrakgrakgrak ^^v. boong denk... all is crazy fun to me.. ^^
hehehehe :D sekian perkenalan n iklannya... but yang tertarik mo difoto ma kita, event apapun.. perwed, pas wed, n post wed ahaah :D sumpahh jangan sungkan hubungin kitah grakgrakgrka =)). maen2 ke photoblog kita yaa.... baru dikit sih portopoliona, soon we'll update it ^^.
ini sebenernya knp majang tuh foto2... ahahahah :D mo mamer hasil jalan2 kmaren grkagrakgrak sekalian liput kawinannya mba tiar n mas gusman hehehe :D. n semua foto profile tospringers itu hasil jepretannya me and si jambul boy. thanks yaa ^^
".. ring mata yang keknya ga wide2 banget... " ngakak baca ini, bilang aja s***t :))
ReplyDelete*piss gung :D
mba din.. jo nggolek perkoro... grakgrkagrka =))
ReplyDeletehooh....just simply say it *ipi* ......
ReplyDeletetuker2an isi huruf dibalik bintang2 nih critanya
^^v ,, you all girls will wake up the chinese lion grakgrakgrak =)) ampuunn mas agung =))
ReplyDeleteBlognya gak di update2 tp itu tospringenya..
ReplyDeletejiakakakka soon boss... ini masih ngerjain yang dijepret kmaren2... ^^v biasalah... pada sok sibuk *including me* hehehehe :D
ReplyDeletejambul boy ??? -_-'
ReplyDeletewah, telat banget aku bacanya :P
ReplyDeleteinget el - makin kecil bukaan tu DoF nya makin luas, jadinya kliatan tajem smua wakakakk :D