July 16, 2010

To Share : Hiatus yang berkepanjangan

Dear magicaelly.blogspot.com,

Maafkan authormu yang labil ini.... for abandoning this blog too long >_< Ajigile, last posting may gituh.. hadeeuh... -_-" remember your commitment, hey author!! -_-"

so what's to start now.. a bit recap about what's been hitting my world :
  1. I'd finally made to phuket ^^, 2010 resolution ... checked!. Tapi belom posting >_< soon yaa hehe :D
  2. GWP akhirnya terlaksana (GWP : acara semacam family gathering di tempat gwe kerja), walopun geje, tp akhirnya yaa.. selese juga :D
  3. Tospringe punya business consultant sekarang... ^^ thx nggri, it's all now ready to go further i bet ^^ 
  4. Tospringe now juga udah punya facebook page, please like this http://www.facebook.com/tospringe. there'll be more from us. N i wish this a really good starter for the business, though honestly, ain't it too serious too soon? hehehe XD anyway.. that's what challenge for :D
  5. Shane ultah *ga penting*... iya ultah ke 31 kmaren tgl 5 juli n ye know what? gwe baru tau kalu dia akan punya anak ketigaaaa. T_T *makin ga penting* XD
  6. Hape gwe ilang.. iyah si kyle soner k770i ituwwhh >_< temen gwe lari pagi.. temen gwe ngapture gambar. sedih. 
  7.  Hmmm... apa lagi.. oh.. gwe punya hobi baru.. mancing hehehe :D gara2 diajakin babeh. jadi ketagihan.. it's calming... enak buat leyeh2 :D
  8. Hmmm.... oh.. reuni MIPA terlaksana yang bikin gwe finally menginjakan kaki lagi di Malang, n finally made a huge decision *lebaaiii*. I think that's it.. my story with Malang :), adios amigo... :D
  9. i think that's it... sisanya.. sama aja... di  kantor masih kerja serabutan, masih gegejean, masih nungguin supernatural season 6. Oh iya lupa... gwe skarang ngikutin serial How I Met your mother, udah selse gwe tontonin sampe season 5. Ini now lagi nungguin season 6 juga -_-" 
 Well sekian permulaan mengisi nih blog lagi... stay tune *tipii kaleeee* heheeh :D there's gotta be more stories to share ^^ *promise promise paradise* :D

hug ye guys later... and cyaaaaaa ^^


The Author *_*,


  1. hehhe amiinn.. terimakasih suhuu... you're a great business consultant =))

    udah 195 yang like looowh :D

  2. maju teruus tospringe ^^ :D
    sering2 update blog atuuh jeng... xixiixix

  3. ahahaha iya mba ul.. menunggu si bos :D hehehehe :D saksikan terus laga kamiiihhh :D
