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Feel like you need escape?
So finally you did it. You moved back home. You gave up on your dreams of being a lifetime traveler in exchange for a pension, a steady paycheck, and a stable home environment.
Good for you. The only problem is, we both know it may not stick.
Ahahaha itu kalimat pembuka dari artikel di matadornetwork tadi :D kinda eh-hm something i've thought about when i start to feel like need to settle down :D hehehe, yeah i know.. deep inside.. IT MAY NOT STICK :D
You can feel it already, can't you? Not exactly a sense of loss, but rather, some part of you is being slowly diluted, your true self fading from a lack of stimulation
I bet for you the semi - traveler (not a fulltime one), pasti pernah ngerasa that kind of feeling, When sekali ceritanya mo insap ga jalan2, try to get more focus n serious in life, kerja tekun, mikir buat have some saving buat masa depan, start to think memutar uang agar lebih berguna yang ujung2nya again buat bekal settle down kelak, PASTI ngerasa something missing deep inside.. the passion of life :D
Apalagi kalu masih banyak tempat impian yang belom kesampean. Dilemma happens, between choosing the people-thought-as-a-mature-well-organized-life sama living life... in our own way yang kadang diliat sama people around us kinda mungkin useless, ga teroganisir, ga ada faedah or manfaatnya while for us, it is life... ^^ and it is..... meaningful.
and the reasons below, membantu mengingatkan
so How do you know when it's time to go traveling?
10. Recyled Coffee starts tasting Good.
Kalu baca di article maksudnya, semua kegiatan routine di kantor mulai bikin kita puas and nyaman and even love it. Geez.. love the routines?? you really need to travel!
This happen to me for a while, man... i even start to get excited to do some works in my office (iyeh, tospringe!) *_*
GET OUT NOW, while you can still remember what sunlight feels like.
9. Celebrity Gossip is the most interesting Part of Your Day
Ini juga, sadar ga sadar.... since di bilik kantor juga ada indovision gretonk, tetiba kok nganggep kasus Jupe n Depe gebuk2an jadi interesting buat diikutin.... Astagfirullah. XD
8. You can't Find Authentic Foreign Foods At Home
It does happen to me again, pas mesen tom yam kung, trus tetiba inget si cream soup asem manis di Phi2 >_< , and suka ujug2 kangen sama the smell of the air. Padahal secara geografis and cultural and its people, sama aja ma di Indonesia, tp entah kenapa. I miss it.
Or ga usah jauh2 deh, nyium Dupa di kamar sendiri beda sama nyium dupa di jalanan denpasar on my way to reach Ubud >_<
7. You Got Dumped.Food is a good motivator to cross the border. Satisfy those dormant taste buds.
Not only have to be a dumping, intinya, You are in some kind of emotional upheaval that only exploration will cure
lagi dalam masa2 penyembuhan dari some kind of traumatic event kali ya, to me mungkin in forgetting a really huge stupid mistake yang ngerasa sia2 and menyesal for having it. ^^ Everyone made a big mistake.
6. You talk with more people abroad than you do at home.
Nah yang ini... kejadian ma gwe ni, gwe beneran lebih milih have a trip sama some total strangers which is bule (CSers) instead of my old local friends. despite of i have some kinda of thing to those white people, tapi seriusan bukan karena itu... just because i want to get out from my comfort zone, zone yang cuman ketemuan ma old friends, ngobrol2 ga jauh2 back to the past, common topic. Ga ada topic2 aneh or cerita2 wow dari belahan dunia lain.
for this, sorry my local mates,... it just happend :) does not mean i don't want to hang out with you.. i just NEED TO GO TRAVELING ASAP!.
5. Sick and Tired of being Ignorant of World Affairs.
“Hey man, did you hear about all this protesting in Thailand?”
“[A market in Iraq is] like a normal outdoor market in Indiana in the summer time.”“What’s Mugabe done now?”
Stop listening to others describe it (assuming they even know what they’re talking about, i.e. quote #2). Go and live it.
Man... this one yang bener2 i brasa banget, jenuh sama orang2 sekeliling bahas2 keadaan negara, entahlah, just sick and tired hearing all those same political issues. Even i hate watching news. Muak sodara2 :D
Makanya ga heran mungkin some of my office mates will find me lately kinda meng-geje, banyakan sendiri, having my own time instead of having those discussion and talks.
4. You Have too much money
Yeah, yang ini.. kagak ada kejadian in my life =)) hahaha, buat orang2 yang ngerasa udah punya semua, and finally dapet semua material thing, trus bingung kok duit ga abis2.. nah mungkin it's time for you to go traveling :D
3. The City skyline just isn't doing it.
Yaeyalaaahhhh sunset cikarang beda sama sunset di ujung genteng >_<. So let's have a lil escape to a short trip besok, the banten :) This kinda plan yang ternyata ada yang minat juga temen kantor hehehe :D
let's have it lasses ;)
2. Spite
Other people - boss, girlfriend, family - are telling you not to go, or even you can't go. You're a rebel. Traveling sounds like the best idea in the world when you're forbidden to do it.
I think i might have a chance to do the biggest rebellion eventually hehehe :D yang kecil2 sih iyaa... pernah hehehe :D tapi ga durhaka caranya :D
1. You Don't want end up like those guys in "In The Bucket List"
Iyaa, jangan sampe kita baru do the crazy fun life setelah kita tua nanti lagi. Keburu ntar keluar murtaugh's words "You're too old for these stuffs" #HowIMetYourMother.
Sekian bahasan si reasons yang keknya most of them happened to me, so....
*ngecek promo AA tiap hari* hehehe get lost and have some life ;)
Hope i'll have some dream trips this year ;) can't wait for the surprises though ^^
yay.... mari kita ke banten :D
ReplyDeleteoleh2 dati banten ye tetangga serong :D
ReplyDeletefotoin yang bagus :)
@mba din : Yuukk mariii :D
ReplyDelete@eny : Hallo tetangga serong.. :D baiklah.... hohoho ga mo ikut? =))
sayangnya saya bokek di awal bulan T_T
ReplyDeletemana mana postingan bantennya? upload dah daripada mbk elly nontok gosipnya jupe :p
njiakaakka belom ny... tar lek sabtu ini masuk hehehe :D *postingblogdibayar* :D
ReplyDeletekarena traveling itu menyenangkan, menyenangkan, dan menyenangkan hehehe... dan kapan gue punya yang ini:
ReplyDelete4. You Have too much money
@alid : Ahahahaha.... gwe juga nanya2 itu kapan kejadian ma gwe :D salam kenal anyway bro, been hearing about ye from chocky halomoan sihombing itu :D
ReplyDeletesetuju bngt dg poin no 5, Sick and Tired of being Ignorant of World Affairs. that happen to me juga Ly,, smpe males lihat timeline orang yg ngomongin itu mulu >.<.. bukan gak peduli sih, tpi klo obralan kek gini menjadi topik utama setiap harinya, saiapun muak :D.
ReplyDeleteTerus kpan poin no 4 kejadian y #mimpiSiang2
Jiaaahhh dia komen :D
ReplyDeletei thought i was the apathetic one :D keknya beneran butuh get lost bener2 deh kal :)
kapaannn??? :D Kok ga diapdet sih mba luk :D pen punya bacaan rahasian nih :D
hahaha... jadi di sini ya awal muasal kalian "ketemu"?? ihiiiir... =))
ReplyDeletelagian ngapain kamu nulis namaku lengkap begono, untung yg "F" depan ga ditulis sekalian. :hammer: