Hello... hi.. iyah... blogger pemalas i am #ngok. Aaaakk banyak utang ceritaa... semuanya di draft, may the lazyness soon be over #Amiin. Anyway, mau berbagi berkah ramadhan, to me it is the Biggest berkah ramadhan i've ever felt :) n mudah2an sharing ini bisa jadi inspirasi atau apapun itu yang bermanfaat buat kalian readers #dikeplaksatu2 :D Jangan iri nor envy yaaa #dilemparjumroh
Well beberapa waktu lalu, di kantor gwe yang konon kabarnya the biggest company di negaranya, ngadain kompetisi but nulis artikel "where will you take your foreign friends if they visit your country" , itu sih sebenernya temanya. Gwe? gwe jujur ga begitu suka ikut kompetisi, i hate the feeling to be the slave of competition. Ga tau, since i hate to lose in anything, makanya gwe ga suka kompetisi #dikeplak. Tapi karena salah satu temen gwe kinda insist, nyuruh gwe ikut.... yaa udah... iseng lah... lagi ga ada kerjaan juga di kantor.
Jadi ceritanya gwe ngarang aja...n i choose bali.. why bali? simply because i love that place too much :). basically gwe cuman saying what i want to say to my "Foreign" friends if they want to come to indonesia what to have here. ya udah,,. intinya cuman meracau aja kok about the things i experienced in Bali ^^.
N Geez... sapa kira.. kmaren senen pagi, ujug2 temen gw nyelametin....n hey.. i'm the winner. n hadiahnya itu 2 buah tiket, terserah kemana aja senilai $1000. lumayan bo... :D
Yaa... gimana, kinda terharu, seneng, trus bingung #eh :) berkah ramadhannya gede banget ya Allah ^^
udah ah ceritanya.... jadi ini lohh.... apa yang gwe tulis... seriusan.. amatir abis kok.... mungkin emang rejeki gwe aja kali ya ^^, well friends... here what made Allah give me the $1000 tickets :)
[Good Place] Bali - a starter by Elly Nurhayati Kusnadi
If you are a first timer in SEA and travelling on budget, n willing to have all those tropical excotic experiences in only one island only in a week? well Bali never fails you then :)
It's one of the most well known island in indonesia, haven't you not heard anything about Bali.
#TravelFact, People of the world would know Bali instead of Indonesia. Yes, Indonesia owns this Asian Hawai ;)
you can experience any type of traveller would like to have. Indonesia is too huge to explore? Try Bali as a starter ;) it's all in only one land :D
1. Laying down the beach getting tanned?, checked.
Bali has the famous Kuta beach, Legian, Dreamland, Padang-padang (you might find this on eat pray love scenes), and other virgin-crowd-free beaches.
experiencing the best sunset ever? Try Tanah Lot. Picture this : the old sacred temple in the middle of the sea and perfect sun is setting drown behind that, you may add some wild wave crashing into your imagination now :D
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tanah lot |
2. Have your night party and Tag yourself in a worldwide Backpackers convention? checked.
Kuta is the center of it. For you on tight budget, and want to have some party, you can choose one of club there and have your night out. This is the beach tha t never sleeps. Not a party-goer and still want to have a night out in Kuta? bring you sarong, and drinks, n have your casual conversation on the beach. That starry sky and sound of wave... is a thing you should have in life, my friend.
fancy a dinner by the sea? Try Seafood beach food festival in Jimbaran beach, daily, you can have any kind of seafood on menu. This is a MUST place to eat for Bali traveller.
3. Dream to be a profesional surfer? checked.
still in Kuta where you can learn how to surf again..on budget. Safety? the trainers are pros. You're a pro n want some exclusive private waves? Bali has Bluepoint beach. You'd find this remarkable blue sea scenery hidden behind this rock cave.
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the beaches |
4. Being a witness one of sacred traditional Bali dance? checked.
You are not experiencing bali if you don't have this sacred mystical goosebumping feeling. Kecak dance would fullfilling this. On top of a cliff in one of most sacred temple in Bali, Uluwatu, while watching sunset, Kecak dance would amaze your eyes and your spritual night.
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uluwatu |
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the dance |
5. Refilling your soul in tranquil Ubud? Checked.
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ubud |
Those 4 points of interesting places are in South Bali. Where the party's on. If you prefer more quite and crowdedless place. You can have the serene in Ubud. Open your map, go up and you'll find this small town called Ubud.
Ubud is the hipster-center. for you whom seeking any spiritual, resting your soul, enjoying serenity, Ubud is the very right place to visit. 1 hour from Kuta and friends, this place has a total difference atmosphere.
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what i love :) |
Activities in Ubud? There are Yoga classes offered, cycling in rice fields, playing with friendly monkeys on Monkey forest, treat yourself with super delicious meals, get relaxed with Bali traditional spa and massage, visiting sacred cave (Goa Gajah - Elephant cave) & temples (tirta empul), and one thing you MUST have, sipping traditional home made bali coffee and treat yourself with the Famous Grilled Bacon in Babi Guling Bu Oka.
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the meals |
6. Dancing with sea beasties? checked.
Bali underwater is one of the best dive & snorkel site. for you who enjoy snorkel more than Diving, I can tell Menjangan is the best place i've ever seen. two hours from Kuta, Mejangan island lies in west of Bali. This island is part of Bali conservation area. you don't have to go on boat to see beautiful underwater life, just a swim around the shore and not far from the beach line, you'll find this astonish colorful reefs with many beautiful sea creatures.
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tulamben |
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Menjangan |
do you want to get your adrenaline rushed more? try diving, in the famous tulamben dive site. Prepare yourself for a chance to swim with Manta ray, the beautiful sea beasty in Nusa Penida.
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the beasty |
Not the highest peak you can have, but watching sunrise from one of sacred mountain on island? definitely on the list. You may want just to have some lazy day? feel the lake from viow point while sipping balinese traditional coffee. Or you have this curiousity for any unique burial ceremony? Visit Trunyan Village, one of balinese burial ceremony. Instead of planting the body, they put the body near to a tree which is believed has the ability to absord corpse' smell.
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The village |
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Mountain and lake :) |
Those activities i described are not even the whole interesting things you'd have in Bali. Seems impossible to have them all on budget and time? well... try it friends, I bet my 1000$ tickets (if i won, vote for me, will you? hehe) if you can't have those 7 experience only in a week on budget.
Some say Bali is way too touristy, do not believe those people until you come there and get along with the locals. in Bali you could experience Thailand's backpackers center, Hawai's waves for surfing, India's hindu spiritual atmosphere, Nepal's soul healing, and Indonesia's friendly locals.
You can be a surfer, a hipster, a celebrity, a gypsy even the local :)). Visit this island and you'll see world differently. sounds cheesy? well i'm not good with words, you MUST experience it by youself and see if you ever want to come back again to the island.
"There are moments in moist love when heaven is jealouse of what we on earth can do" - Hafiz
Well that is the article i submit.... i swear i never expected to win, seeing that many candidates with their fab stories and beside, i kinda competed with one of my friend here, n she got more recommends than mine, well.. the news was kinda shocking... in happy way :) couldn't thank enough for it... ^^
Actually from the first time i submit the article, yang bikin seneng itu is that... yang baca.. kinda ga percaya kalo bali sebagus yg di foto, n jadi banyak yang mau jalan2... horeee...n yet i made another friends :)
n inih.. emaaaakk.. ga pernah gwe jadi juara 1... kecuali pas SD pembagian rapot hehehe :D n lomba 17an jaman SD lomba gambar n makan krupuk :))
my highest achievement in traveling stuffs ;p |
waaah... belom ada yang komen...
ReplyDeleteselamat ya elly......
ck ck ck..... beneran deh itu luck apa blessing ga bisa dibedain xixixixi
btw.... ternyata chaesar salad yg mahal itu membawa berkah ya? nampak photonya nampang disitu =))
:)) ini rekuesnya mba lulu mba din :D pen liat jare opo sih sing aku tulis :)) ya ngono itu :)) entahlah.. luck or blessing, miracle happens mba din :D
ReplyDeleteho oh si caesar.... 96rebu mu ini membawa berkah ternyata #diungkit :))
potoq kok tidak nampak indah boiiii #EmangOrangnyaIndah?? :D .... "When you surrender all to God, miracle happens in an unexpected way" - lupa kata sapa, pernah baca gitu :D.. u rock boiii, proud ^^
ReplyDeleteiku kok klo koment pake id google jadi unknown y klo gk punya blogspot -_-"
ReplyDeletepodo boii.. mana ada di situ foto indahku? #emangpernahindah?? :)) yep, masih confuse-exciting, hopooo kuwi :D
ReplyDeleteAmiiin boii amiiin... aah kalo diridhoi, mudah2an semuanya lancar... two big resolution i have for 2013 already, satu lagi boleh? :D hatrick boii lek si satu lagi sampe kejadian :D
amiiiiiiiiiiiiiin smga y boi,, mugo2 aq juga bisa hattrick walau gk tahu jalane piye ahahahha.. masih nyicil buat 1st resolution ni boi,, mugo2 diridloi n resolusi2 yg lain segera nyusul,amiiiin ^^
ReplyDeleteCongratz, mpok! ^^
ReplyDeleteBtw, itu beneran nyobain babi guling nya? Enak tak? xD
dararanke kaka... kagak... kagak nyobain lah... egila :D itu menurut bli wance katanya :D
ReplyDeletesuka sama isi blognya deh..lumayan bwt petunjuk klo tar jalan ke sana. Suka baca buku "Naked Traveller" nya Trinity ya mba?
ReplyDeletemakasih ricka ^^ kebetulan belom pernah baca bukunya mba trinity *travelerpemalas* heheh :D suka mampir blog nya mba trinity aja, itu aja jarang... takut ngiler trus ga keturutan heuheuhue :D